Plain Tiger Spotlight: SunKiss

SunKiss not only protect your skin but also the planet

By Jana Leonard 

SunKiss was born in the sunny climate of the UAE. It was a perfect location to test and create a luxury beach lifestyle brand that not only protects the skin from the harsh rays of the sun, but also protects the planet. If SunKiss could pass the stringent laboratory tests (and the desert heat!), The SunKiss team knew that it would be effective anywhere in the world.

“No stone has gone unturned in the search for the best possible ingredients. Ones that we couldn’t source locally have been transported from the best European suppliers, always conscious of the footprint we leave behind. We order in bulk, safely storing ingredients for when we need them.” says co-founder, JoAnna.

Back in March 2019, Clare had the idea to launch a Luxury Suncare product range that is both protective of your skin and the environment - SunKiss came into fruition shortly thereafter. “I had been working with a sunscreen line from the US, and it dawned on me that I was flying stock halfway across the world, for half of it to end up in landfill. It felt like the right time to try and create a brand of my own, that would allow us to create something sustainable that could evolve in this category.” She was joined by Joanna in early 2020, who has extensive experience working with beauty brands, globally. “It's good to brainstorm ideas with her as she's totally invested in growing SunKiss and has the same passion as I do. Our goal is to grow the refill model so our forever bottles are reused and then recycled efficiently,” adds Clare.

Having worked with so many skincare and suncare brands, Clare and Joanna had an extensive 'tick' list of what they wanted SunKiss to look like, these includes:

- Game-changing packaging

- Sustainable

- Eco-Friendly

- Skin loving ingredients

- Safe to marine life and reefs

- Non-comedogenic

- Vegan

- Cruelty-Free

SunKiss launched, ticking all of these boxes one by one! “After many years of distributing brands from all over the world, I became aware that most packaging ends up in landfill, outer cartons and unnecessary plastic bags, plus the impact air freight has on the environment,” says Clare. “I also wanted to create a brand that was made locally in the UAE. Sunscreen was a perfect product as this is one of the top 10 sunniest places on the planet! If it could work in the Middle East, it could work anywhere.” she laughs.

All of their products are cruelty-free and vegan, with a strong focus on protecting the reefs. It’s also all natural and toxin-free! Their latest launch is the SunKiss Defence Spray SPF30+ , which is designed as a sunscreen you'll want to use every day, with warm notes of soft bergamot and the zest of citrus. It brings with it an uplifting fresh, clean scent like a freshly laundered crisp linen shirt. Nourishing and fast-absorbing, leaving the skin highly moisturised and protected, it delivers on an invisible mist spray which is very moisturizing and nourishing, leaving the skin with a velvety feel. It protects against the damaging effects of UV radiation and consists of Vitamin E, which provides antioxidant protection against free radicals. It is ideal for an active lifestyle, being water resistant for 40 minutes! They also have this available as an unscented option, often preferred by men.

Claire and Joanne’s love of the ocean and protecting reefs was a powerful driver for them. “Being reef-friendly and having a sustainable ethos is a big focus for us, and one our customers really appreciate. We are also very proud of the fact that it is made in the Middle East and of exceptional quality,” adds Clare. 

“Other than the product being innovative in its category, supporting and protecting our environment, it is of premium quality which feels great on the skin and smells absolutely divine!” adds Joanna.

Entering a new category of refillable sustainable products, SunKiss envisions itself as a global leader with regard to the Sun Care and lifestyle space. “We are always looking to improve and we are by no means perfect, but hopefully in 5 years through research and development, we will have made a positive impact in the retail market. We hope to have influenced other brands to rethink and minimise packaging with breakthroughs that we are yet to discover!” adds Clare. 

When it comes to clean beauty, Joanna adds, “we are always striving to improve and develop our ingredients and packaging. We want our consumers to enjoy using our products with a clear conscience and for that to reflect in how they live their own lives. If we all strive with this intention, surely it can only be a good thing for everyone?”

Something to think about indeed!