Celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan

We welcome this respected and deeply spiritual time of year that Muslims around the globe celebrate

By Nadia Gardner

Enter the Holy month of Ramadan. We speak to three glamorous individuals who tell us how their lives get a mini makeover during the much-anticipated month. Discover how it’s all in the details, with beauty, style and décor uplifts.
Sarah is the Senior Beauty Editor at Marie Claire Arabia in Dubai. She has more than a decade of experience in the beauty industry. She has headed the beauty department at Marie Claire Arabia magazine for eight years, specializing in writing, editing, and executing beauty photoshoots and videos. She has interviewed notable figures in the fashion and beauty industry, as well as celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian, and worked with famous photographers and top models.

What does Ramadan mean to you?
Ramadan is the month of reflection and community, It's a chance to disconnect, it's a way to push back the dysfunctional habits in life and stay firm in your conviction.
How does your daily routine change this month?
I have to say that adjusting my sleep schedule during Ramadan is very challenging and that can affect my performance a bit, but luckily we have shorter work hours in Ramadan so that helps. Fasting can make working out in the morning very tough and so my morning workout usually happens after I break my fast. 

What is your beauty routine like?
I tend to be minimal in general and not over the top, just like any other month I guess, but I'd probably say that I tend to compensate for lack of hydration by drinking lots of water after Iftar, and applying a moisturizing cream and a good lip balm during the day and at night just to keep my skin well hydrated.

How does your style change?
Honestly, it doesn't change much. I mean for some women it's an occasion to indulge in wearing new Kaftans and so on but I like to be decently comfortable in my attire.

How will you be celebrating Eid?
I would be happy to just be around family and the people that I love.

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Zahirah has acquired global experience in brand management and communications having worked in various markets including Africa, the Middle East and Australia.

What does Ramadan mean to you?
Ramadan is a time to slow down the pace of life, spend time getting back to the basics of family and home and doing my best to introspect, connect and revitalize all areas of my life – spiritually and emotionally.
How does your daily routine change this month?
During Ramadan, nights become a little longer than usual and sleep a little less too. With school rounds and early starts, I do try to get my workout in during the morning and try to take a nap in the afternoon. I definitely make a concerted effort to not allow my diary to fill, and be home for iftar prep, extra time to meditate, pray and create that home atmosphere of calmness. I spend my weekend afternoons doing things that are home-based and where I can, to set the right tone for the month for my family. I grew up with a strong sense of family and tradition during Ramadan and always aim to create the same for my family.

How will you be celebrating Eid?
Eid is such a special time of year for me. The house is normally decorated through the month of Ramadan, and I love having a house full of guests to feed. I plan my meals, theme my table and try to make everything within my capability from scratch; armed with many of my grandmothers’ recipes. It was always a tradition to have new clothes and pyjamas, and I love creating special moments over these celebrations, and during the lead up.
Tell us about your style, table decor or beauty regime during the month.
During the month of Ramadan, I try to follow a concept of going back to basics, giving my skin, body, and mind time to rejuvenate and refresh. My Ramadan style is modest and comfortable – wide leg loose fitting pants with shirts, maxi dresses, and having fun with kaftans; lightweight textures that have movement and flow. My iftar table usually has the uniformed theme through the month of natural tones, which goes up a notch for Eid celebrations where I enjoy an ‘event style’ setup. I love spending time from the middle of the month planning my Eid table on Pinterest, making an outing out of shopping for Eid clothes, and spending time on the phone getting cooking lessons from my grandmothers.

Beauty and skincare is particularly important, as my hydration drops while fasting. I make an effort to ensure I use light creams, and hydrating oils to keep my skin looking plump and fresh. I reduce my makeup to the bare minimum unless I am on a shoot, and take time to exfoliate, masque and more.
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Natasha is a makeup artist with a cramped closet, so really enjoys getting glammed up and going out! She’s passionate about life and adores being around my family and friends.
What does Ramadan mean to you?
Ramadan is a chance to reset and re-energize your soul. It’s the best time to reflect on yourself as a person and gives you time to work on yourself and set yourself new spiritual goals. It’s also a wonderful time to reconnect with your family and loved ones.

How does your daily routine change this month?
I love waking up for Suhoor, and knowing that there are families around the globe doing the same thing. I try a-lot harder to pray on time and I’m more conscious of using my free time productively. I also love spending a little more time in the kitchen preparing a lovely meal for my family when it’s time to open our fast.

How will you be celebrating Eid?
Eid is all about family! I love gathering in one house after Eid namaz to cook a huge pot of biryani together. We invite everyone over to eat and then get all glammed up to visit more family and friends.
Top products
During Ramadan skin can get really dehydrated and dull, so I love to use serums that will help boost radiance and help keep my skin hydrated. I also love swapping out lotion for a body oil during this month, I use it in my hair too!

Sometimes getting used to fasting can be made easier by having a tea that helps digestion. I like to drink a warm drink after I’ve eaten at Iftar. 
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"I love my ramadan wardrobe to be loose-fitting, co-ords and dresses are always a great way to look dressed up without spending too much time planning your outfit"

"Ramadan table decor always has to be extra special. I love having a printed table runner and decorative candles dotted around in the empty space to make each meal feel like a feast."

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